Employment tribunal cases in the news this week – 23.12.2013 to 29.12.2013
In the latest of our series of posts on employment tribunal cases in the news this week, we take a look at four Employment Tribunal cases that have made the news between 23 December and 29 December 2013. This includes a business which is seeking to appeal an Employment Tribunal’s verdict that it discriminated against a former employee, and former employees at a business winning almost £50,000
- BBC reporter settles Employment Tribunal case for unfair dismissal – a BBC reporter has reportedly settled his case for an undisclosed sum after he made an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair dismissal earlier this year. BBC Scotland have not commented on the matter (The Herald Scotland)
- Former employees win £50,000 in compensation after being dismissed for redundancy – six workers have won the sum of £50,000 between them after they made an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair redundancy dismissal, having been made redundant earlier this year (The Stoke Sentinel)
- Former Drive Assist workers win undisclosed amount after being dismissed for redundancy – Workers at Drive Assist who were made redundant from their jobs earlier this year have won compensation after an Employment Tribunal ruled that their former employer had failed to undertake the required 90-day consultation period (The Tamworth Herald)
- Hemel Hempstead business appeals discrimination verdict in Employment Tribunal claim – The owners of a Hemel Hempstead convenience store have indicated that they are going to appeal the Employment Tribunal’s ruling that one of their former employees was unfairly dismissed and discriminated against because she was of Wiccan religion (Hemel Today)