Bank Manager Awarded Over £800,000 by Employment Tribunal: Llyods Bank Unfair Dismissal Case (Update)

Compensation has been determined in the Lloyds Bank unfair dismissal case after a tribunal previously ruled the claimant had been unfairly sacked and faced disability discrimination. As such, he’s been awarded £800,000, while Lloyds Bank’s bill will be closer to £1 million. Below, we take a look back at what initially caused the dispute and the subsequent outcome.

Contact us now if you’ve faced something like what happened in the Lloyds Bank unfair dismissal claim. Redmans Solicitors are employment law specialists with years of experience helping clients in similar circumstances. To discover your eligibility to claim compensation, get in touch with us today by:

A Recap on the Lloyds Bank Unfair Dismissal Case

In the initial Lloyds Bank unfair dismissal case, the tribunal learned how Carl Borg-Neal (“The Claimant”) had worked for the bank for 27 years. He had dyslexia and, in addition to his role, participated in a scheme mentoring young colleagues from ethnic minority backgrounds. Moreover, during his employment, he’d had an unblemished disciplinary record.

However, on 16 July 2021, things changed when he participated in an online anti-racism training course. Mr Borg-Neal queried what to do if someone from an ethnic minority said something considered offensive if spoken by a white person. Providing further context, he said, “The most common example being use of the word (N-word) in the black community”.

Unfortunately, despite the claimant asking what his colleagues described afterwards as a “valid question”, he used the full word. This upset Ms Osei, the trainer for the session, who was a black individual. Subsequently, despite Mr Borg-Neal apologising as he didn’t mean to cause any offence, the training provider complained to Lloyds Bank.

The bank then investigated internally before dismissing Mr Borg-Neal for gross misconduct. He appealed this decision and explained his dyslexia played a role in how he constructs questions, but this was unsuccessful. As such, supported by the Free Speech Union, he brought the Lloyds Bank unfair dismissal claim to an employment tribunal.

What Have the Employment Tribunal Ruled?

During the initial hearing, the tribunal held that Mr Borg-Neal’s dyslexia played a pivotal role in his actions. They explained how his learning disability heavily influenced why he decided to use the full word rather than an alternative. As a result, the tribunal stated that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed and discriminated against because of his disability.

Then, the Lloyds Bank unfair dismissal case was sent for a remedy hearing to determine Mr Borg-Neal’s compensation. In the subsequent hearing, the tribunal awarded him £800,000 and ordered the bank to provide future references. Furthermore, with legal costs and fees, the amount the bank owes will be closer to £1 million.

If you’ve experienced circumstances similar to that in the Lloyds Bank unfair dismissal case, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are expert employment lawyers and can assess your situation before advising you on how to proceed. Moreover, we offer several funding options to ensure we can meet your needs.

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