Employment tribunal stories in the news this week – 10.03.2014 to 16.03.2014
In the latest of our series of posts on employment tribunal stories in the news this week, we take a look at ten employment tribunal cases that have made the news between 10 March 2014 and 16 March 2014.
- Student takes university chiefs to tribunal over ‘discrimination’ – A student is taking university chiefs to an employment tribunal after claiming she was unfairly treated at her students’ union because she is dyslexic. Jen Izaakson, who is diagnosed with dyslexia, claims she was not consulted about any reasonable adjustments before she was almost removed from her elected role as sabbatical officer at the University of London Union (ULU) (The Evening Standard)
- Man denied job for ‘being Christian’ settles with hotel – A Christian graphic designer, who sued a hotel claiming he was denied a job at the hotel because of his faith, has settled out of court. Jamie Haxby claimed that a manager at Prested Hall Hotel turned him down for a job because some staff who are atheists wouldn’t work with a Christian (The Christian Institute)
- Lawyer loses race claim but wins unfair dismissal ruling – A lawyer at a leading global bank who claimed she suffered a miscarriage due to stress after being subjected to a barrage of racist remarks has lost the discrimination element of her tribunal claim (The Evening Standard)
- Limerick principal in €50k constructive dismissal award – A Limerick school principal has been awarded €50,000 after the Employment Appeals Tribunal found she was constructively dismissed from her position at St Brigid’s National School in Singland (The Limerick Leader)
- MAG UK wound down after losing employment tribunal – The Motorcycle Action Group is trading as a new company after losing an employment tribunal, an email from the group’s director reveals. MAG UK, which campaigns for riders’ rights, is being wound down and assets transferred to the Motorcycle Action Group Ltd after complaints of constructive dismissal were upheld (Visor Down)
- Tonbridge hospital whistleblower Amanda Pollard takes health watchdog to court over job claims – A health inspector from Tonbridge who blew the whistle over the Mid Staffordshire Hospital scandal has launched a case of constructive dismissal against former employer the Care Quality Commission (The Kent & Sussex Courier)
- Dismissed mother awarded £30,000 – A mother has been awarded over £30,000 by an employment tribunal which ruled she was unfairly dismissed for reporting an alleged rape by a work colleague at a works Christmas party (The Herald Scotland)
- ‘Vendetta’ fears over Shrewsbury woman’s whistleblowing claim – A Shrewsbury businesswoman has accused the South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust of carrying out a vendetta and victimising her for making whistleblowing allegations (The Shropshire Star)
- Purple Parking workers win ageism battle after dozens sacked for ‘being too old’ – Britain’s biggest airport car parking company, Purple Parking, has admitted age discrimination against its workers after it sacked dozens of them for being too old (The Independent)
- NHS boss who spoke out against locking up patients brings Employment Tribunal claim after being sacked – A hospital manager who spoke out about staff locking up vulnerable patients said last night that he faces ruin despite a government pledge to protect whistleblowers. David Ore told his NHS bosses children and pensioners were being restrained and locked in hospital cubicles for up to 12 hours without food or drink (The Mail Online)